Our Therapies

“True healing through multiple complementing modalities in private or group sessions.”

Group Sessions, Workshops & Retreats

Full Moon Yin Yoga
& Sound Bath
Thu 19 Sep 6:00pm

Letting go of what no longer serves us under the potent energy of the Full moon through a gentle yin yoga practice, meditation, sound bath and finishing with journaling prompts to help process and release anything that comes up for you. Yin yoga is a soft, yielding and nourishing practice which invites us to slow down, observe and listen to our bodies in a relaxing and nurturing space. This class is suitable for all levels of practice. With Amy. 90 mins. $30.

New Moon Reiki-Infused
& Sound Bath
Fri 4
Oct 6:30pm

Join me under the energy of the new moon for an evening of deeply relaxing and healing Reiki infused Meditation and Sound bath, finishing with optional journaling prompts to set your intentions for the month ahead. With Amy. 60 mins. $25.

Fascia Flow

Movement made for everyBody. An infusion of Fascia Release, Kundalini, Breathe and Energetics. Questions? Enquire here. With Kerry. 75 mins. $20.

Women’s Intuitive Circle
Sunday 15 Sep
2:00pm – 4:30pm

A delicious morning/afternoon/evening of aromas, taste, self-expression and fun. A divine experience of movement, connections, friendships and self care.​ Be welcomed with a big smile, joyful energy and an energetic cleansing with Palo Santo. Enjoy divine expression through movement, aromas, unfolding chats and dancing in your own energy. ​Cacao and herbal teas, delicious snacks and plenty of laughter will be on offer. Questions? Enquire here. With Michelle. 2.5 hours. $40.

Our Therapies

Discovery Visit

Everyone’s journey is unique. We want to listen to your story. Dawn’s 1st-hand experience with our therapies, which helped her fully recover from a chronic life-threatening illness (for which doctors had no solution), and all she has learned over the years from our therapists & her own research, allows her to help others understand & select therapies to suit, with ongoing support & guidance. This is why Dawn created True Healing Collective. In person or via phone. With Dawn. 30 mins $55 $29.

Infra-red Wellness Cocoon

Ultimate body transformation & relaxation experience combines dry & infrared heat with vibrating massage to the body; plus cool salted air & aromatherapy for the face. Used by astronauts for rehabilitation after space flight, pain management clinics, chiropractors, weight loss experts, world-class athletes… 30-45 mins $49-$65.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage

An ancient Hawaiian healing art for the body, mind & spirit. This massage for women is very rhythmic, facilitating emotional release & opening the heart. This involves hands & fingers flowing in continuous moves, bringing you to a state of deep relaxation, reduced stress, and improved circulation. With this, we allow ourselves to let go of the old and so make room for new wondrous energy & love. With Dawn. 60-90 mins. $125-$145.

Spinal Flow® Technique
+ Naturopathy/Kinesiology*

Created by Australian chiropractor Dr Carli Axford, this technique allows a certified practitioner to feel & assess each of the spine’s 33 vertebrae for blockages caused by emotional, chemical or physical stresses; then use communication & gentle touch to trigger the nervous system to release blockages, relieve pain & heal. With Rebecca. Spinal Flow only 30-60 mins $65-$133.  *With Integrated Naturopathy/Kinesiology assessment 90-120 min $222.

Fascia Release

3+ months healing in one session. No more waiting to know what is going on and how to heal it. This is where we collapse time in your healing and get right into the depths of releasing stress, pain and trauma from your body, your organs, your emotions with a 1-1 session with Kerry, Fascial Maneuvers Coach & Lifestyle Artist inspired by Human Garage. Includes a Full Body Vitals Scan, plus a personalized “At-Home Program”. 60 mins. $180.

Indian Head Massage
& Kansa Wand Facial

Not only your skin will feel more radiant, you will also be supporting a glow from the inside too. A unique experience of healing, deep relaxation, rejuvenation & revitalization. Combat the effects of skin pollution, stress, anxiety, eye strain, headaches, sinuses, and internal imbalances through an enjoyable way of releasing heat, acidity & toxins. Improved skin texture, reduced puffiness, glowing skin, improved blood/lymphatic circulation. May make falling into deeper sleep easier. With Alison. 60/90 mins. $150/$180.

Holistic Health Coaching

Receive the support to create the life you deserve; bring balance & thrive through counselling, regulation techniques, and tailored movement exercises; or engage a holistic health coach for ongoing support & guidance with a chronic health condition. With Alison or Dawn. 50-75 mins $99-$150.

Integrated Counselling
by Registered Counsellors

A range of integrated therapies & services from certified counsellors registered with the Australian Counselling Association, AASW, ANZACATA & PACFA. Private health rebates may apply. With Salayeh or Alison. 60-90 mins $120-$180 or book a free 15-minute phone enquiry.

Somatic Therapy &
Mind Body Balance Yoga

A range of somatic treatments to empower your awareness & nurturing of your unique self-regulating practices to restore and replenish your body. Enhance health & quality of life by incorporating the fundamental principals of neuroscience, neuroplasticity, body/mind communication and yoga (no experience required). A proven method to tame the stress response; and reduce stress & anxiety. Private session. Also available in group sessions or online meetings on request. With Alison. 45-90 mins $120-$180 or book a free 15-minute phone enquiry.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing comes in many forms, with & without touch, to promote relaxation; reduce stress; relieve pain & tension; and stimulate the immune system, to encourage emotional or physical healing. Our gifted therapists are masters in Japanese Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Quantum Healing, Chakra & Meridian Balancing, Advanced Theta Healing and more. With Kerry, Nathalie or Salayeh. 45-120 mins $149-$222.

Energy Healing with Nathalie

Begins with an intuitive scan of your body and help to connect with the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are being held in relation to your area of concern. Working with universal energy, these are then released and replaced with empowering beliefs, thereby allowing a new understanding to occur within your subconscious mind.

This session is for people looking to experience freedom, healing and shifts within an area of their life that is holding you back, keeping you stuck and afraid to move forward. This is a powerful opportunity to revolutionise how you see, know and believe in yourself. With Nathalie. 60 mins. $180.

Reiki & Spiritual Blueprint

Please book at least 3 business days in advance to allow preparation. This Reiki service offers something unique. Salayeh incorporates a basic level spiritual and intimacy blueprint, that gives insight into your North Node and uses numerology to help you understand the challenges you are here to overcome and the gifts and services you are here to offer the world. Reiki promotes a sense of confidence and peace, bringing out feelings of joy, love, and inner trust. It helps you to remember who you are. With Salayeh. 60 mins. $222. More options available…

Quantum Healing

Brings awareness to what is occurring within your body in ‘real-time’ and how it is affecting your healing journey. An analysis of Vitals, Organs, Blood, Food Sensitivity, Chakra, Meridian, Toxicities, Parasites, Moulds & a personalised Harmonic Mediation with a take home prescription. With Kerry. 45 mins. $149.

Inner Sanctum

An ultimate healing experience to bring yourself to a place of calm, balance and peace. Various modalities accessed. Kundalini Reiki, Chakra & Meridian Balancing, Psychic Surgery, Fascial Release, Personalised Binaural Meditation, Akashic Access, Quantum Frequency and Sound Healing. With Kerry. 90 mins. $222.
